Things that Malaysian Indians are tired of hearing

Disclaimer: This is for comedy purposes and if you are easily butt hurt, please do click the X button on the top right corner. 

1. You are actually quite fair for an Indian.

Some of us are dark and some of us are fair. You know why? GENETICS. plus the Sun. Hah
We're all fair and unfair and LOVELY.

2. Vegetarian means you can still eat egg right?

NO. I can't. I'm gonna share a legit example. Close to a hundred times I've ordered food in NUMEROUS canteens and specifically said Nasi Goreng Vegetarian ( Tak nak ayam, daging dan seumpamanya. Nak sayur SAHAJA). And when I get it, boom, there's egg in it. Oh, I'm sorry I didn't list down the entire animal kingdom.

3. How bout fish? That's considered vegetarian also right?

GAAH. No. Fish is a living breathing animal. Just because it doesn't have feet, doesn't mean it's not an animal. You guys might be thinking I'm exaggerating but there was this one day where I was craving for chocolate cake and the girl next to my room( In a hostel) sold it along with some other snacks. So I went to her and said, " Does this cake have egg in it? Cause I'm vegetarian for today and I can't take egg". 
She replied, "Oh sorry, it does have egg in it. However,you can get this keropok ikan cause it has no egg!"  
Biggest face palm in history. WHICH PART OF IKAN DON'T YOU GET? Pfffft

4. Whattt, you can't eat beef?!!?

YES BRO YES. If I had a drop of water every time I had to say that I don't eat beef, I'd be drowning in a freaking flood by now. No no wait. If I had a drop of water every time someone SERVES beef to me, I'd be a mother effing Tsunami.  And the first place I'd hit is your house. Lol too much violence. Just kidding. Love y'all. Stupidity and all.

Anyhow, please please just remember that Indians who are Hindus don't take beef. Our country had had Indians for quite a long time, it's about time you took some notes and be more aware.AND ALSO, there's no such thing as "Nevermind la, just take the curry, don't take the meat". Okay bruhs? We cool? Cool

5. How come he can eat beef but you can't? He's Indian too.

That's cause he's Christian and I'm Hindu. Bangsa sama, agama lain bro.

6. Do you know the song Suraangani Suraangani Suranganikaa Maanikenavaaaa? What does it mean?

Yes I know that song only cause people around me keep singing to me thinking that I somehow should know this song. And NO I have no idea what it means. 

7. Deyh engene angene aglio olio ennada machan poda chi.

I don't even know why you guys do that. Your own version of Tamil. You killed it. YOU MURDERED IT. Indecent fellow. 

8. * Passing by another Indian* You know him?

This usually happens in Universities. I'd be walking with my non-Indian friends and whenever I pass by a group of Indians, they'd be like,
" Why you didn't say Hi to them? Thats so rude" 
" But I don't know them". 
"How come? You're all Indians what". 

No I don't know all Indians though I do know some like Shahrukh Khan and Rajinikanth. Just that they don't know me but that's not important.

9. Who is Rajinikanth?


10. Why do Indians shake your heads so much when you're speaking?

Really? Do we? I didn't realise. But that doesn't mean you get to imitate and mock me for my head-shaking activities. I mean, why does your mouth move so much when you talk? 

11. *Watches a Bollywood movie* What is he saying? I don't understand.

Bro, trust me, we don't understand too. Most Malaysian Indians are Tamilians. meaning we don't speak Hindi (the language usein Bollywood movies). So, yeah we're as clueless as you are when it comes to Bollywood movies.

 12. What do you mean you don't know how to answer this Maths question? You're an Indian.


13. What do you mean you can't speak good English? You're an Indian.

Yes, some of us god in English talking talking but don't radiotype us all.

14. Dei, please teach me some bad words in Tamil.


15. Dei, please teach me to say something to the pretty Indian girl in my class.

Sure. Just say, "Chellam, unnai paarthaa appediyeh erume maadu maathiri irukke. Enakku vaanthi varuthu."


And those are the 15 things Malaysian Indians are tired of hearing to. This was definitely for humor purposes and not to hurt anyone. Muah muah. Do share if I made you giggle or at least if you snorted some air out of your nose while reading this, Let me know in the comments if you could relate to this and also other things that you're tired of hearing!

Don't forget that I post more lame things on twittahh (@dpkaOfficial) and ainstahgrammhh(@fairlyodd_dpka). Follow me,maybe?

Okay byeee. Poda

With little bit of love,




  1. fab i have a list of new ways to annoy you more

  2. Haha..Good effort girl! Anyway i like to say something to you perhaps you do said ok byee pooodha!! pretty way to reply....POOOODHIEEEE !

  3. Many typical vegetarian diets actually do include eggs. Vegan diets exclude all animal products, including eggs, dairy, and honey. Though to be fair, the canteens you cited probably wouldn't know the difference, either.

    1. Yeap that is absolutely true. However, I was referring to the Indians who occasionally take Vegetarian for festivals and such. They usually don't take eggs. Anyhow, thank you for your input!
