So, me and my friends have started an online magazine to address key issues that we feel strongly about. As we know, these days if it is not on the internet then it is not legit. Therefore, an online magazine is the most efficient way to get facts straight into netizens' brains.
I know what you're thinking. "Weh, you already have a blog then for what online magazine all pfft" My blog is for things I want to write about, this online magazine is for things that I NEED to write about. It's about time we address the elephant in the room.
Plus, this magazine is a literal magazine! You can download it and read it later. You can print it out and paste it everywhere. The possibilities are endless.
This edition is about the Generation Gap which is going to piss off a lot of people and that is exactly why you should read this. We love controversial things don't we?
Head on to www.peal.online to learn more about us.
But if you have no time for that, then download it here http://peal.online/Peal_FIRST%20EDITION.pdf
Like our FB page to be updated on new issues! https://www.facebook.com/peal.online/
K bye
With little bit of love,