Tips for new University Students

1. You don't have to pack your entire house when you start your studies in a university. Especially when it comes to stuff like detergent and broom, you can always buy it somewhere near your hostel instead of having to carry it all from your hometown. But don't forget the bantal busuk.

2. Contact seniors beforehand. Its always smart to know a little about where you are going and what the rules are like there so that you don't feel like a "Rusa masuk universiti". Facebook is a haven of seniors waiting to guide their juniors. Just search for your respective universities and there'll be tonnes of groups that you can join to clear any doubts that you have. Having said that, I'm in UKM now doing Forensic Science. If any of y'all have any questions, feel free to contact me.

3. You can always apply to change your course if you don't like it. You can apply it as soon as you enrol. I would suggest for you to enrol first even if you don't like the course you were offered because there is a chance for you to change it. However, do consult your seniors or the academic department on the closing dates to make sure you apply it on time.

4. Orientation rules are usually very strict so make sure you take note on that. Make a list of do's and don'ts especially regarding the attire.

5. Get the place right! Make sure you get the registration place right. Some universities have multiple campuses and this might be confusing. Do a little bit of homework and find out where the place is, how far is it and etc. Pak Cik Google kan ada ;p

6. Bring your important certificates and make a few copies too. This is important when you need to apply for ptptn and Jpa. Also, these certificates are very much needed at times and it'll be easier if you have it with you instead of having to ship it all the way from home.

7. Keep a good relationship with your seniors. They are the ones who will be guiding you in everything plus they have all the notes!

8. Get to know the transport around your campus. Buses will usually be available in universities and try to get to know the routes asap. This will make your journey from the hostel to your class easier and hassle-free.

9. The notes that your lecturer gives you are not enough. Mainly because in the exam, the lecturer never fails to give questions which is TOTALLY NOT IN THE NOTES. So, you'll have to hit the library once in awhile IF you want to pass with flying colours. If you're okay with a "pass pun cukuplah" then the notes are enough.

10. Exams will be hella difficult. So don't be hard on yourself if you can't answer the questions. Its not a university exam if it doesn't make you sweat by the end of it.

11. Find out where the university's clinic/ pusat kesihatan is. You never know when you'll fall sick.

12. Eat well. University cafes are usually very reasonably priced. So don't worry about wasting money. Better to stock your room with food too so you never go hungry! Food is bae.

13. Join societies that will build you and not stress you out. Universities offer a wide range of different societies each with their own pros and cons. Do your research first before making any decisions.

14. Most courses allow you to choose the subjects for each semester. Choose according to how well you think you can cope with it. Don't overload your credit hours because that will make your semester a living hell. This will also definitely affect your results as well. And das not gud.

15. Get notes and exam tips plus past year questions from seniors. Lecturers tend to repeat questions from previous years and  it'll make your life much easier if you revised some questions beforehand. Past year questions are a must!

16. Assignments and quizzes are very important. Do those with extra care. Usually assignments and quizzes contribute marks to your overall results. The final exam will contribute half and these assignments/quizzes will give another half. So even if you screw up your final exam, you'll have a back up.

17. Carry your student card all the time. You'd need it in the library, clinic and to get discounts haha.

18. Make new friends, get tonnes of experiences, and have the best time of your life.

So guys, these are the tips especially for freshies. I may have left some things out. I could only think of these for now. So if you have any questions, do ask me in the comments below or message me on Facebook. I'll definitely try my best to answer it. All the best guyssss! Have a great university experience!

With little bit of love,

