28 Lies that EVERY University students tell.

1.       I can finish studying one night before.

2.       I am going to exercise everyday after class.

3.       Next semester, I will surely get Dean’s list.

4.       I don’t miss home. Pfffft

5.       No I’m not hungry. I just ate dinner.

6.       I can survive on instant noodles.

7.       I’m going to reinvent myself.

8.       I’m going to join all the University programs and build my soft skills.

9.       I’m not going to go out anymore. I’m going to stay in and study.

10.   Yeah. The exam was okay. *cries internally*

11.   Oh yes I enjoy discussing the syllabus with my classmates.

12.   Oh no Prof. I left my assignment at the hostel.

13.   No Prof. I didn’t get any email.

14.   Can you please sign the attendance for me? I am not feeling well.

15.   What? Today is the due date? You sure?

16.   I have the best groupmates everrr.

17.   I have enough money.

18.   Oh wow that sounds great. I will let you know whether I can make it or not.

19.   Oh no. I can’t make it on that day. I have another appointment.

20.   I don’t care about grades as long as I pass.

21.   I just cleaned my room. How is it so dirty already? It’s not always like this.

22.   I swear I replied your message. Something is wrong with my phone.

23.   No I didn’t get your message. Something is wrong with my phone.

24.   I am going to go to all my classes next semester.

25.   Of course I bathe for class.

26.   Oh no, Prof. Why did you cancel the class today?

27.   I am not scared of the future or worried about the huge student loan that I have to pay back.

28.   I will definitely NOT miss university life.

And those are the lies that students usually tell. If you can relate to it, don't forget to share this with your other liar friends! Also, if you have your own lies that you usually tell, share in the comments below! 

With little bit of love, 
